About Us


The achievements of GEST’s CEO, Syed Hassan Raza Naqvi, can be attributed to his dedicated effort and commitment. He earned a Ph.D. in Public Administration from the University of Tehran and holds an official license approved and recognized by the Ministry of Education in Iran. In 2021, he was honored with the “Ideal Student of the Year Award” at the national level by Iran’s Ministry of Education. 


Shaikh Ali Abbas

Director of Admissions

Syed Anees Abbas Naqvi

Director of Visa Affairs


Muhammad Khushab

Representative of GEST in Lebanon

Dr Nasir Nigeria

Dr. Nasir

Representative of GEST in Nigeria

Lara Luis Sabra

Representative of GEST in Europe

Ahmad Ghadoun

Ahmad Ghadoun

Director of GEST in Arab Countries

Dr. Husam Alsalameh

Representative of GEST in Syria

Shanawaz Haider

Representative of GEST in India

Rizwan Naqvi Social Media Manager

Rizwan Naqvi

Website & Social Media Manager